This time we're doing crazy, one day the sun shines hot and come out with short sleeves and next day the sky is all girigio and security are not released without an umbrella ... so what to wear in those days Ottombrino?
Abolition of sandals and boots dusted off, however, remains a problem: wear socks or not?
Personalemnte prefer not to wear them even in winter, especially at night, but the cold can not control and therefore I give in every now and then a beautiful 70 denier hot hot!
These days however I have seen strange things around as summer dresses paired with Super opaque tights and maybe a ballerina .... but girls cotton half-time does not mean putting together half and half summer wardrobe closet winter! Then mix the leaders do not overdo it, remember it's August and October and not the same as if the sun shines despite being bundled up in October do not have to!
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