Gossip Girl is an American teen-drama series based on novels by Cecily von Ziegesar. Gossip Girl tells the story of a group of young girl from the 'Upper East Side of Manhattan.
The story centers on Serena Van Der Woodsen, chat and more popular the girl 's Upper East Side, who returned after a long absence in Manhattan is no longer the same girl a volta.La news makes the rounds of inhabitants of the 'Upper East Side, thanks to a mysterious blogger that nobody knows the identity of who calls himself ... Gossip Girl.
The story centers on Serena Van Der Woodsen, chat and more popular the girl 's Upper East Side, who returned after a long absence in Manhattan is no longer the same girl a volta.La news makes the rounds of inhabitants of the 'Upper East Side, thanks to a mysterious blogger that nobody knows the identity of who calls himself ... Gossip Girl.
- Gossip Girl 1x01 Pilot
- Gossip Girl 1x02 Wild Brunch
- Gossip Girl 1x03 Poison Ivy
- Gossip Girl 1x04 Bad News Blair
- Gossip Girl 1x05 DareDevil
- Gossip Girl 1x06 The Tale
- Gossip Girl 1x07 Victor, Victrola
- Gossip Girl 1x08 Sixteen Candles
- Gossip Girl 1x09 The cake makes you beautiful
- Gossip Girl 1x10 Chasing Liberty
- Gossip Girl 1x11 A boyfriend of her own
- Gossip Girl 1x12 Lies and Videotape
- Gossip Girl 1x13 A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate
- Gossip Girl 1x14 Bewitched
- Gossip Girl 1x15 Desperately Seeking Serena
- Gossip Girl 1x16 All About My Brother Gossip Girl 1x17
- Girls on the verge of a nervous breakdown
- Gossip Girl 1x18 Much To Fear Nothing
- 2 × 01 Summer Kind of Wonderful - Megaupload - SuperNovaTube - Movshare - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 02 never been charged - Megaupload - SuperNovaTube - Movshare - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 03 The Dark Night - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file) - Movshare
- 2 × 04 Ex Files - Megaupload - YouLoad (video ) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 05 Serena Also Rises - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 06 The New Heaven Can Wait - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 07 Chuck In Real Life - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file )
- 2 × 08 Tell your own words - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 09 The Baby Sitter - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 10 - The Bonfire of the Vanities - Megaupload
- 2 × 11 The Wonderful Archibald - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 12 A Beautiful Lie - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
Second Season [Sub-ITA]
- Gossip Girl 2 × 01 Some Kind of Wonderful (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2 × 02 Never Been Marcused (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2 × 03 The Dark Night (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2 × 04 The Ex-Files (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×05 The Serena Also Rises(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×06 New Haven Can Wait(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×07 Chuck In Real Life(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×08 A Poor Jenny(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×09 There Might Be Blood(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×10 Bonfire of the Vanity(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×11 The Magnificent Archibald(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×12 It’s A Wonderful Lie (Sub ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×13 O Brother, where Bart thou?(Sub ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×14 In The Realm of the Basses[Sub ita]
- Gossip Girl 2×15 Gone With The Will [Subita] >> Link Hdd.to >> LInk Zipd
- Gossip Girl 2×16 You’ve Got Yale [Subita] >>> Link Hdd.to >> Link Zipd >>> Link Megaupload
- Gossip Girl 2×17 Carrnal Knowledge[Sub Ita] > Youload (Video)> Youload (File)> Movshare.net
- Gossip Girl 2×18 The Age of Dissonance Youload(File) - (Video) > Zipd > Movshare > Hddto > Supernovatube
- Gossip Girl 2×19 Nate Archibald - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
- Gossip Girl 2×20 Remains of the J - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file) - Zipd - Supernovatube - Movshare
- Gossp Girl 2×21 Seder Anything - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
- Gossp Girl 2×22 Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
- Gossip Girl 2×23 The Wrath of Con - Megaupload -Youload( file )-( video )- Supernovatube - Zipd
- Gossp Girl 2×24 Valley Girls - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
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