The story centers on Serena Van Der Woodsen, chat and more popular the girl 's Upper East Side, who returned after a long absence in Manhattan is no longer the same girl a volta.La news makes the rounds of inhabitants of the 'Upper East Side, thanks to a mysterious blogger that nobody knows the identity of who calls himself ... Gossip Girl.
- Gossip Girl 1x01 Pilot
- Gossip Girl 1x02 Wild Brunch
- Gossip Girl 1x03 Poison Ivy
- Gossip Girl 1x04 Bad News Blair
- Gossip Girl 1x05 DareDevil
- Gossip Girl 1x06 The Tale
- Gossip Girl 1x07 Victor, Victrola
- Gossip Girl 1x08 Sixteen Candles
- Gossip Girl 1x09 The cake makes you beautiful
- Gossip Girl 1x10 Chasing Liberty
- Gossip Girl 1x11 A boyfriend of her own
- Gossip Girl 1x12 Lies and Videotape
- Gossip Girl 1x13 A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate
- Gossip Girl 1x14 Bewitched
- Gossip Girl 1x15 Desperately Seeking Serena
- Gossip Girl 1x16 All About My Brother Gossip Girl 1x17
- Girls on the verge of a nervous breakdown
- Gossip Girl 1x18 Much To Fear Nothing
- 2 × 01 Summer Kind of Wonderful - Megaupload - SuperNovaTube - Movshare - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 02 never been charged - Megaupload - SuperNovaTube - Movshare - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 03 The Dark Night - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file) - Movshare
- 2 × 04 Ex Files - Megaupload - YouLoad (video ) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 05 Serena Also Rises - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 06 The New Heaven Can Wait - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 07 Chuck In Real Life - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file )
- 2 × 08 Tell your own words - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 09 The Baby Sitter - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 10 - The Bonfire of the Vanities - Megaupload
- 2 × 11 The Wonderful Archibald - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
- 2 × 12 A Beautiful Lie - Megaupload - YouLoad (video) - YouLoad (file)
Second Season [Sub-ITA]
- Gossip Girl 2 × 01 Some Kind of Wonderful (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2 × 02 Never Been Marcused (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2 × 03 The Dark Night (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2 × 04 The Ex-Files (Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×05 The Serena Also Rises(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×06 New Haven Can Wait(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×07 Chuck In Real Life(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×08 A Poor Jenny(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×09 There Might Be Blood(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×10 Bonfire of the Vanity(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×11 The Magnificent Archibald(Sub Ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×12 It’s A Wonderful Lie (Sub ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×13 O Brother, where Bart thou?(Sub ita)
- Gossip Girl 2×14 In The Realm of the Basses[Sub ita]
- Gossip Girl 2×15 Gone With The Will [Subita] >> Link >> LInk Zipd
- Gossip Girl 2×16 You’ve Got Yale [Subita] >>> Link >> Link Zipd >>> Link Megaupload
- Gossip Girl 2×17 Carrnal Knowledge[Sub Ita] > Youload (Video)> Youload (File)>
- Gossip Girl 2×18 The Age of Dissonance Youload(File) - (Video) > Zipd > Movshare > Hddto > Supernovatube
- Gossip Girl 2×19 Nate Archibald - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
- Gossip Girl 2×20 Remains of the J - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file) - Zipd - Supernovatube - Movshare
- Gossp Girl 2×21 Seder Anything - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
- Gossp Girl 2×22 Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)
- Gossip Girl 2×23 The Wrath of Con - Megaupload -Youload( file )-( video )- Supernovatube - Zipd
- Gossp Girl 2×24 Valley Girls - Megaupload - YouLoad(video) - YouLoad(file)