How to cripple the Italian school in a few easy steps - by Teodelux
The school ... the school is an important thing and as once said Grillo if there are two things that the state should never cut these are education and healthcare. Needless to say, this is not the motto of the Berlusconi government, whose minister Gelmini woke up one morning and decided to reduce wastage of the Italian school (such as waste but then try to enter any school, has scarcely paper for photocopying), I would say she left to take a bit 'too incompetent by the hand and which has made a mess.
The return to single teacher, something totally unheard of today, the Minister was justified in saying that the final analysis, his generation was trained with the master one, and if those of your generation are all like you then I'd say that one of the single teacher is a very technical bankruptcy, in all seriousness, if once the sole task of the teacher was teaching Italian, history, geography and mathematics with the famous technique of "if you understand it otherwise t 'attacks," now the single teacher in elementary school should be taught what is now taught by four teachers and over ie: Italian, history, geography, mathematics, English, computer science, education physics and other subjects; follow a class of twenty children closely and keeping an eye on the needs of each pupil in all these matters well, sorry but it seems to me impossible for one person manages to get it right (wrong to do so probably yes, if not crazy before).
Reform (Berlusconi-style) has obviously been scattered, to make it prettier, a series of mini steps of the facade, by passing laws to find very large, as
the return of the apron, which the nursery is already, in elementary school as well, so I understand that the wish to introduce to the mean (but I will imagine the children of the medium with the apron? But what is it? A joke?)
The voting behavior. Personally I agree with voting behavior but is rather obvious fact that it is a measure to ease everything and make it look great.
The failure rate in grade school. I believe that reject a child in elementary school is a violence against him, does nothing but worsen the situation, a decision is taken very blithely.
There is however a fact which has been discussed very little, too little, but you know, newsreels only give information handy, would not dream of giving uncomfortable, is not ever that citizens are not aware of certain things, two educators, those with the balls so to speak, Canevaro Andrea and Dario Ianes bad after this reform have resigned by the Centre to the education of the Ministry of Education as a protest with this letter to invite you to read.
"This new school policy of cuts made, the alleged economies, announcements and denials, rigor, discipline, order, uniforms, officials, voting behavior, failures, selection, have in all more insecurity, mistrust and conflict.
These school policies economistic goals are clearly managed to save, but this will take place on the shoulders of families, on the skin of the pupils and the credibility of public schools, as our Constitution wants.
In this climate of "social production of hostility, distrust, tension, "Pedagogy also suffers a violent attack.
In the climate di rinnovato rigore scolastico, chi viene additato come responsabile dello sfascio, oltre naturalmente ai "fannulloni"? L'ideologo dei fannulloni e dei lassisti: il pedagogista, il pedagogista di Stato, la pedagogia, il pedagogese... Chi perdonava tutto, chi non ha polso, chi comprende tutto invece di punire, chi "non ha le palle" per imporsi, chi ci "affumica" con discorsi fumosi pseudo filosofici, chi non dava importanza alle discipline, il pedagogista debole, che ha indebolito la Scuola Italiana ecc.
Ecco, a questo clima di strisciante, ma non troppo, denigrazione, come pedagogisti non ci stiamo. E non ci stiamo neppure ad essere membri di un Osservatorio per l'Integrazione Scolastica degli Alunni con Disabilità di un Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione che si comporta nei fatti come stiamo vedendo e come risulterà ancora più evidente nei prossimi mesi.
Forse la Ministra Gelmini sta cercando una nuova squadra di esperti che legittimi la sua visione (?) dell'integrazione? Non sarà facile trovarli tra i pedagogisti speciali, se sapranno leggere tra le righe della sua dichiarazione, in occasione della sua audizione alla Camera: «È nello stesso spirito, nello spirito di una scuola che sia realmente per tutti, che affermo il diritto all'istruzione di chi presenta abilità diverse. Gli obiettivi didattici, le metodologie e gli strumenti devono essere personalizzati e coerenti con le abilità di ciascuno per definire i livelli di apprendimento expected. There are many good practices built on competence, professionalism, availability and commitment of the various components of school, teachers, curriculum support to teachers, school managers associations. We need to treasure the experience. My commitment is directed to listen to the needs, problems, suggestions from families of those realities and associations that deal with disability in order to identify even with the most appropriate training needs with the necessary flexibility, overcoming the rigidity that are consistent with the educational activity.
With these lines we therefore resign by the Centre for Integration of school Ministry of Education and demonstrates our ongoing effort to improve the quality of the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. "
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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The Ambassador of Ghana, "brutal attack" [October 2 from Repubblica on line ]
The episode of alleged violence by local police and told by a young Ghanaian student of Parma "was brutal attack, I did not expect this in Italy, but it happened." Thus, the ambassador of Ghana in Italia Agyer Amoama parla di quanto accaduto a Parma. L'ambasciatore è a Taormina dove partecipa ad un forum internazionale sull'Africa insieme con il ministro del Turismo del Ghana Oboshie Sai Cofie. Il ministro ha preferito far parlare l'ambasciatore ''che conosce l'episodio''. ''Come ambasciatore - ha detto Amoama - registro quello di Parma come il secondo caso. L'altro è stato quello di Castelvolturno dove sono stati uccisi sei ghanesi''. E' lo stesso ambasciatore a sottolineare che ''cinque minuti prima della strage di Castelvolturno, era stato ucciso un imprenditore italiano''. ''Ho protestato con le autorità italiane - ha detto ancora - ho scritto ma non mi è ancora stata data una risposta''.
The episode of alleged violence by local police and told by a young Ghanaian student of Parma "was brutal attack, I did not expect this in Italy, but it happened." Thus, the ambassador of Ghana in Italia Agyer Amoama parla di quanto accaduto a Parma. L'ambasciatore è a Taormina dove partecipa ad un forum internazionale sull'Africa insieme con il ministro del Turismo del Ghana Oboshie Sai Cofie. Il ministro ha preferito far parlare l'ambasciatore ''che conosce l'episodio''. ''Come ambasciatore - ha detto Amoama - registro quello di Parma come il secondo caso. L'altro è stato quello di Castelvolturno dove sono stati uccisi sei ghanesi''. E' lo stesso ambasciatore a sottolineare che ''cinque minuti prima della strage di Castelvolturno, era stato ucciso un imprenditore italiano''. ''Ho protestato con le autorità italiane - ha detto ancora - ho scritto ma non mi è ancora stata data una risposta''.
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The Ambassador of Ghana, "brutal attack" [from Repubblica on line October 2]
The episode of alleged violence by local police and told by a young Ghanaian student of Parma "was brutal attack, I did not expect this in Italy, but it happened." Thus, the Ambassador of Ghana in Italy Agyer Amoama talk about what happened in Parma. The ambassador is Taormina where she is attending an international forum on Africa in conjunction with the Tourism Minister of Ghana Oboshi Sai Cofie. The minister has preferred to talk to the ambassador Knows that''the incident''. As an ambassador''- said Amoama - register to Parma as the second case. The other was to Castelvolturno where six Ghanaians were killed.'' And 'the ambassador emphasized that''five minutes before the massacre of Castelvolturno, was killed an Italian businessman.'' ''I complained to the Italian authorities - said - I wrote but I have not yet been answered.''
The episode of alleged violence by local police and told by a young Ghanaian student of Parma "was brutal attack, I did not expect this in Italy, but it happened." Thus, the Ambassador of Ghana in Italy Agyer Amoama talk about what happened in Parma. The ambassador is Taormina where she is attending an international forum on Africa in conjunction with the Tourism Minister of Ghana Oboshi Sai Cofie. The minister has preferred to talk to the ambassador Knows that''the incident''. As an ambassador''- said Amoama - register to Parma as the second case. The other was to Castelvolturno where six Ghanaians were killed.'' And 'the ambassador emphasized that''five minutes before the massacre of Castelvolturno, was killed an Italian businessman.'' ''I complained to the Italian authorities - said - I wrote but I have not yet been answered.''
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Parma-The head of the municipal left. The new "more respect for the rights [by La Repubblica on line - Parma] October 2
Il capo della municipale lascia nella bufera
Il nuovo "Più rispetto per i diritti"
L´ex sindaco scarica il suo pupillo: "Si autorizzano isterie collettive". È l´ottava sostituzione al vertice in otto anni. L´assessore cerca di rincuorare
di Michele Smargiassi
PARMA - Un congedo peggiore non poteva immaginarlo. Sono le nove di mattina e da nove ore Emma Monguidi non è più la comandante della polizia municipale di Parma. Avvicendamento previsto: ma cade nel mezzo della tempesta e questo cambia tutto. Ha i capelli biondi in ordine, la divisa impeccabile ma il viso molto tirato. Sapeva di essere l´ennesimo comandante pro-tempore, l´ottavo in otto anni, ma solo per lei l´uscita di scena è così amara. Nel salone pieno di colleghi la comandante uscente non riesce a dire più un paio di frasette sul tema «grazie per la collaborazione».
Il vero comandante sembra l´assessore Monteverdi, è lui che sprona e rincuora gli agenti usando un noi che dice tutto: «Coraggio, siamo nell´occhio del ciclone solo perché abbiamo fatto il nostro dovere, ma vedrete che si chiarirà tutto». L´autentico nuovo comandante si chiama invece Giovanni Iacobazzi e viene dai carabinieri dei Nas. Parla agli uomini come se non sapesse nulla del terremoto in corso, «serenità», «collaborazione», però poi scandisce: «Per me è molto importante la formazione. Nessuno born? already learned '. One must be able to do well what you do, especially when you touch on the fundamental human rights. " Who wants to see realized.
Agents in the jacket of an ordinance, officials with the shovel in the boot, undercover agents: among those who are lost in the square after the sad changing of the guard, there are maybe six that Emmanuel has seen too closely. But no one shows them to you: "I do not know them ',' do not even know the names." A union representative is their spokesman: "They can not talk because of the investigation, but they know that they are quiet and cooperate with the investigation." Today we play defense. Speak only formally independent trade union, the Sulpm, and attacked the press, "partiality, tutt'erbe makes a bundle." No names for outlets in a low voice: "When politicians ask us the money from the fines for the municipal budgets are good, when dealing with security are bad." 'It is difficult to stop an escaping him without even a scratch. " And writing on his black bag, it is also inevitable? Here comes the answer that you do not expect, half admitted: "Maybe they did not understand the name, it was just a note to identify it." Sure, write negro, identification is assured. They look bad, "there really was a drug dealer, we spit on him but we also guarantee your safety."
But the 'can do', to use with the new master? A bit 'too many' accidents' that grow back from the archives of the news. What "can do" that the emergency core who can not even say how many agents amounts to, what acts almost always in plain clothes and works only on drug trafficking and prostitution? "They have completed a special course," assures the passage of Command. And as we enter this task force? Just come forward, it seems. Even now looking for a couple of dog-loving staff for the new drug dogs, the commissioner opens the voluntary recruitment, "Who feels ...». A self-selected group. Many former fighters motorcyclists, they explain. A 'flying squad' municipal body within the body. Managed like? No one answers, the municipal police of Parma speaks to the press by lawyers.
'Putting the urban safety in the hands of the municipal police is proving to be a hazard ": he says the CGIL, which now goes to the streets in defense of Emmanuel. But beginning to think many in the city. And what I think most of all it is not a political opponent, is indeed in town hall is Elvio Ubaldi, nine years in tricolor flag, the first mayor "house" of a big city, the man who tore Parma to the center, now chairs City Council and is the godfather of his political successor Vignali. But the thing about this spring: "On the security i sindaci di tutti i partiti e il governo stanno giocando una partita isterica. Il governo scarica furbescamente le sue responsabilità, i sindaci per protagonismo cadono nella trappola, mandano in strada agenti maldestri, e così succedono gli incidenti.
I vigili di Parma li conosco: non sono Rambo né razzisti. Sono come tutti i vigili d´Italia: quali sono i criteri di selezione per entrare in polizia municipale? Conoscenze di diritto amministrativo, pratica col traffico, poco altro. Digiuni assoluti di contrasto al crimine, impreparati a gestire un´emergenza. Anche atleticamente... Con tutto il rispetto, ma lei ha visto la taglia di certi vigili?». Se fosse stato lui il sindaco, la Carta di Parma, il manifesto dei sindaci sulla security wanted by his successor, would not have even signed: "It produces a state of confusion. We already have three police forces for the suppression of crime. Putting even the brigade is wrong. It 's like saying the city: it is true, we are in grave danger. Not so: it seem that Castel Volturno Parma is? Instead of working for the serenity of the citizens, which is the job of a mayor, it urged alarmed reactions, you authorize collective hysteria. This use of the municipal police must end as soon as possible. "
(02 October 2008)
Il capo della municipale lascia nella bufera
Il nuovo "Più rispetto per i diritti"
L´ex sindaco scarica il suo pupillo: "Si autorizzano isterie collettive". È l´ottava sostituzione al vertice in otto anni. L´assessore cerca di rincuorare
di Michele Smargiassi
PARMA - Un congedo peggiore non poteva immaginarlo. Sono le nove di mattina e da nove ore Emma Monguidi non è più la comandante della polizia municipale di Parma. Avvicendamento previsto: ma cade nel mezzo della tempesta e questo cambia tutto. Ha i capelli biondi in ordine, la divisa impeccabile ma il viso molto tirato. Sapeva di essere l´ennesimo comandante pro-tempore, l´ottavo in otto anni, ma solo per lei l´uscita di scena è così amara. Nel salone pieno di colleghi la comandante uscente non riesce a dire più un paio di frasette sul tema «grazie per la collaborazione».
Il vero comandante sembra l´assessore Monteverdi, è lui che sprona e rincuora gli agenti usando un noi che dice tutto: «Coraggio, siamo nell´occhio del ciclone solo perché abbiamo fatto il nostro dovere, ma vedrete che si chiarirà tutto». L´autentico nuovo comandante si chiama invece Giovanni Iacobazzi e viene dai carabinieri dei Nas. Parla agli uomini come se non sapesse nulla del terremoto in corso, «serenità», «collaborazione», però poi scandisce: «Per me è molto importante la formazione. Nessuno born? already learned '. One must be able to do well what you do, especially when you touch on the fundamental human rights. " Who wants to see realized.
Agents in the jacket of an ordinance, officials with the shovel in the boot, undercover agents: among those who are lost in the square after the sad changing of the guard, there are maybe six that Emmanuel has seen too closely. But no one shows them to you: "I do not know them ',' do not even know the names." A union representative is their spokesman: "They can not talk because of the investigation, but they know that they are quiet and cooperate with the investigation." Today we play defense. Speak only formally independent trade union, the Sulpm, and attacked the press, "partiality, tutt'erbe makes a bundle." No names for outlets in a low voice: "When politicians ask us the money from the fines for the municipal budgets are good, when dealing with security are bad." 'It is difficult to stop an escaping him without even a scratch. " And writing on his black bag, it is also inevitable? Here comes the answer that you do not expect, half admitted: "Maybe they did not understand the name, it was just a note to identify it." Sure, write negro, identification is assured. They look bad, "there really was a drug dealer, we spit on him but we also guarantee your safety."
But the 'can do', to use with the new master? A bit 'too many' accidents' that grow back from the archives of the news. What "can do" that the emergency core who can not even say how many agents amounts to, what acts almost always in plain clothes and works only on drug trafficking and prostitution? "They have completed a special course," assures the passage of Command. And as we enter this task force? Just come forward, it seems. Even now looking for a couple of dog-loving staff for the new drug dogs, the commissioner opens the voluntary recruitment, "Who feels ...». A self-selected group. Many former fighters motorcyclists, they explain. A 'flying squad' municipal body within the body. Managed like? No one answers, the municipal police of Parma speaks to the press by lawyers.
'Putting the urban safety in the hands of the municipal police is proving to be a hazard ": he says the CGIL, which now goes to the streets in defense of Emmanuel. But beginning to think many in the city. And what I think most of all it is not a political opponent, is indeed in town hall is Elvio Ubaldi, nine years in tricolor flag, the first mayor "house" of a big city, the man who tore Parma to the center, now chairs City Council and is the godfather of his political successor Vignali. But the thing about this spring: "On the security i sindaci di tutti i partiti e il governo stanno giocando una partita isterica. Il governo scarica furbescamente le sue responsabilità, i sindaci per protagonismo cadono nella trappola, mandano in strada agenti maldestri, e così succedono gli incidenti.
I vigili di Parma li conosco: non sono Rambo né razzisti. Sono come tutti i vigili d´Italia: quali sono i criteri di selezione per entrare in polizia municipale? Conoscenze di diritto amministrativo, pratica col traffico, poco altro. Digiuni assoluti di contrasto al crimine, impreparati a gestire un´emergenza. Anche atleticamente... Con tutto il rispetto, ma lei ha visto la taglia di certi vigili?». Se fosse stato lui il sindaco, la Carta di Parma, il manifesto dei sindaci sulla security wanted by his successor, would not have even signed: "It produces a state of confusion. We already have three police forces for the suppression of crime. Putting even the brigade is wrong. It 's like saying the city: it is true, we are in grave danger. Not so: it seem that Castel Volturno Parma is? Instead of working for the serenity of the citizens, which is the job of a mayor, it urged alarmed reactions, you authorize collective hysteria. This use of the municipal police must end as soon as possible. "
(02 October 2008)
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